Nutrition – YouBeauty Be the Most Beautiful You - Personalized Tips for Smart, Spunky Women Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:44:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Everything You Need to Know About Wooden Spoon Herbs Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:44:37 +0000 Are you looking for a simplified way of including natural components and botanicals in your daily regimen? Wooden Spoon Herbs can help.
About Wooden Spoon Herbs
What can you expect from Wooden Spoon Herbs? You can rest assured knowing you’ll receive high-quality and tested formulas that allow you to incorporate traditional remedies into your everyday life. These effective formulations are made from plants.

Wooden Spoon Herbs claims. “Everything they produce is tested to ensure that it’s pure, potent, and stable. They source clean, GMP-compliant ingredients for our vitamin, mineral, and herbal ingredients. They only accept whole plants and grind them in-house, using the most effective extraction techniques.”

However, always consult with a doctor in case you’re pregnant or have a preexisting condition before taking an array of supplements.
What to Shop
For a Mood Booster
Rose-Colored Glasses Eases the Mind & Lifts the Mood ($29, shop here):

The Rose-Colored Glasses will effortlessly lift your mood only with plant ingredients. These drops are easy to incorporate into your day to support your stress and achieve a calm nature.

Wooden Spoon Herbs has formulated this product with Oat tops to support the nervous system and Rose to promote a relieved mindset. This product is USDA Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, and NON-GMO.

The recommended dose is 1.75 ml three times a day. These droppers can be infused into water, juice, tea, cocktails, and smoothies. Overall this product is ideal for soothing stresses and the nervous system.
For Increased Energy
Herbal Coffee Adaptogenic Coffee Alternative ($24, shop here):

Does coffee make you jittery? Or do you find it challenging to keep energy without caffeine? One product to try is Herbal Coffee from Wooden Spoon Herbs. This item is an Adaptogenic Coffee Alternative that boosts energy without the jitters.

Herbal Coffee will increase energy and support a healthy microbiome. It contains a blend of Maca Root for focus, Chicory Root for digestion, reishi as a calming adaptogen, and Burdock Root for better gut flora.

You can enjoy Wooden Spoon Herbs Herbal Coffee as your coffee replacement, as an iced beverage, or incorporated into baked goods like Tiramisu.
To Soothe the Gut
Fire Cider Support Gut Health and Digestion ($26, shop here):

A healthy gut can impact the rest of your body for the better. However, balancing your diet or incorporating gut-friendly foods can be challenging. One way you can increase gut support is by trying Fire Cider to improve digestion.

The Fire Cider is apple cider vinegar-based, combining food and medicine into one easy-to-consume product. It also contains other gut-friendly elements like Ginger for circulation, Rosemary for digestive support, and Garlic for immunity.

You can take a tablespoon of Fire Cider three times a day. It may be added to water, or you can get creative by infusing this product into salad dressings and broth.
For Menstrual Relief
Cramp Control Soothes Menstruation and Relieves Cramps ($29, shop here):

Do you ever look forward to your time of the month? Menstruators can know how challenging a period is to get through, and some people need all the support they can get. You can pair Wooden Spoon Herb’s Cramp Control with your heated water bottle.

The Cramp Control is there for easy periods, so bleeding doesn’t have to take you out for the day. This product soothes cramps and eases menstruation.

Wooden Spoon Herbs has formulated this product with Motherwort to help with stress and reproductive health and Yarrow to help release heat. You can enjoy this product four times a day in your favorite beverage.

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Foods That Can Cause Acne Mon, 02 May 2022 14:00:08 +0000 When you have acne as a teenager or adult, all you want is for it to go away and never come back. It impacts your self-image, your mood, and your mental health.

And there are so many aspects of your skincare routine that can impact acne. Everything from your makeup to skincare products to medications and diet impact what your skin looks like and how it feels.

You probably know that drinking enough water helps your body flush out toxins that allow your skin and all your other organs, but there are a surprising amount of foods that often lead to acne.

Of course, you know that one person with perfect poreless skin who eats fast food daily, but they are an anomaly. That is not the norm.

No one wants to change their diet or stop eating deliciously unhealthy foods, but sometimes just cutting back on certain things can clear up your skin more than you ever thought.

So, what foods should you avoid to keep your skin clear and glowing?

Pasta may be one of your favorite carbs, but regular pasta can wreak havoc on your skin. Why? Well, white bread and pasta release sugar in your body and crash. This can cause skin damage, inflammation, fatigue, and worsen skin conditions like acne or rosacea. This doesn’t mean you can never have pasta again by trying to opt for other versions like whole foods—gluten-free pasta, vegetable pasta, and chickpea pasta are better choices when it comes to your skin.

Milk and dairy, in general, tend to contain a high level of hormones that can poorly interact with your skin, especially if you are suffering from hormonal acne. In the same way, hormonal birth control can regulate your hormones and reduce acne; milk products can do the opposite. Milk, even skim milk, can increase acne. Drinking milk or heavy creams may have the most significant impact, so avoiding those and opting for almond or oat milk is best for your skin.

Too much cheese, ice cream, and other dairy products can have the same effect, but not always as intensely. You don’t necessarily need to cut out dairy, but reducing your intake can make a noticeable difference.

We all love cakes, cookies, and danishes, but the high calorie and sugar content without any nutritional benefits have a high likelihood of leading to acne. These foods contain high levels of sugars and fats that increase your body’s production of hormones that increase oil production and lead to acne.

Coffee drinks also fall under this umbrella. Unlike black coffee or coffee with a splash of almond milk, coffee drinks like frappucinos or lattes contain intense carbs, sugars, and caffeine levels. This stresses the body out intensely. The reason you might feel tired after having a drink like this is that all those levels rise quickly and drop just as fast. That sudden change increases your body’s production of cortisol, resulting in acne.

If you want caffeine opt for a simple coffee or green tea instead.


Although the idea that chocolate leads to acne has been debunked, other candies like gummy candy or hard candy are much more damaging. A small amount of dark chocolate provides you with essential antioxidants to help your skin. Fruit-flavored sweets do not offer any level of nutrition, meaning they are only producing harmful reactions within the body, resulting in acne.

Now, this is still a controversial subject. Some scientists argue that your diet doesn’t directly correlate with your skin, but it has been proven true for others. It seems that hormones and genes also play a role in how your skin reacts to certain foods. But, if you are struggling with acne and find that practical skincare products aren’t helping, changing your diet may do the trick.

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Foods You Didn’t Know Help Your Skin Fri, 08 Apr 2022 19:30:32 +0000 Skincare is all the rage. Hyaluronic acid and retinol are everywhere. But, you can help your skin look its best without paying an arm and a leg at the department store.

Don’t get us wrong. We are big believers in a good skincare routine. You should find products that work for your kin and take pride in that process. But even the best routine will not make up for what you’re putting inside your body.

Your health shows through your skin. When you are backed up or eating poorly, your skin will show acne, clogged pores, and oiliness. To ensure that your products do their best for you, you need to provide them with your best canvas.

It can be hard to avoid processed foods, but eating certain foods can help your skin. Adding these into your diet every day and making it a priority can improve your skin’s hydration level, glow, and texture.

Carrots are an excellent source of Vitamine A, which is chock full of antioxidants. Antioxidants help you fight wrinkles and can even prevent breakouts. Now, you don’t want to replace your diet with carrots because you will get sick and probably turn orange. But, adding some carrots to a stir fry or salad can go a long way.

Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are easy to add int your diet because you don’t need much to pack a big punch. They are very high in selenium, a powerful antioxidant fighting free radicals. Just a handful a day can help you prevent signs of aging breakouts and even lighten up those dark bags under your eyes.

YUM! Garlic is antibacterial and contains Vitamin B6. This is supposed to repair cells, encouraging healing. For those with scarring, adding garlic to your dishes isn’t just tasty but also beneficial for your skin. Garlic is also said to help boost your immunity.

Raw Red Peppers
Raw red peppers contain a high level of Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. This vitamin is often used topically, but eating can also help boost your skin’s moisture and soothe irritation. Plus, what a tasty snack?

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain a number of nutrients to maintain healthy skin. The beta carotene even acts as a natural sunblock, but please, still wear an SPF. Not only will eating sweet potatoes taste delicious, but they can help your skin combat the effects of the sun while offering a warm glow to the skin.

Sure, broccoli might be gassy, but it has so many vitamins and minerals that improve your skin it is worth a bit of gas. With zinc, vitamins A and C, as well as lutein, eating broccoli helps protect your skin from external damage and can stop it from becoming dry. Although not proven, some studies have suggested that eating broccoli can also help maintain the collagen levels in your skin.

Dark Chocolate
As if you needed another reason to indulge, now you have one. Eating small amounts of dark chocolate regularly has shown not just hydrated skin but also thicker, more durable skin. After consuming high-quality dark chocolate after a few months, many people saw softer skin, less sensitive skin, and quicker healing skin.

Who knew that some of your favorite foods could make such a difference in the appearance of your skin? Even so, a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables is key to your wellness. So, even though incorporating these foods into your diet can help your skin look its best, be sure you are getting all the nutrients you need.,also%20claimed%20to%20fight%20infections.

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How Does Coffee Affect Your Skin? Fri, 08 Oct 2021 20:30:40 +0000 Coffee is an essential part of the morning for many people. It may even be a critical part of their entire day. But, much like everything we indulge in, there are pros and cons.

Coffee may help get you through the day or over a rough patch of fatigue, but is it bad for your skin. Caffeine is dehydrating, so does that suck the moisture from your skin? Leaving it dull and rough?

Does it make a difference if you have one cup or two? Or if you add cream and sugar?

Whether you’re breaking out, dealing with dryness, or something else, is your morning coffee to blame? Let’s find out.

Much like wine, coffee gets blamed for some unhealthy bodily effects and some good ones. But what is the consensus?

Some of the most commons effects of drinking coffee are acne, redness, inflammation, dry patches, unbalanced hormones, and oil production. Of course, your skin can change due to lots of variables like your environment, your diet, and more, but coffee isn’t free of all responsibility.

But, that doesn’t mean you need to cut out your coffee. Dermatologists recommend balancing your coffee intake with water. For every cup of coffee, you have, have a glass of water. Not only will that help to hydrate you, but it should counteract the dehydrating effects of the coffee.

But, the science behind the correlation between coffee and your skin doesn’t end there. A study recently concluded that those who drink four or more cups of coffee per day were significantly less likely to report rosacea than those who drank little or no coffee.

So, how does this make sense? When coffee increases inflammation, how would it decrease the likelihood of rosacea, a skin disease that forms through inflammation? Well, there is still more research to be done. This study only used women, most of whom were white. It also relied heavily on the observation of the participants rather than trained experts.

But there is more to this subject than coffee is good or bad for your skin. There are a lot of factors at play. For instance, how you drink coffee can impact whether it helps or hurts your skin.

If you drink black coffee without any sugar or creamer, you get the antioxidant properties, which is excellent. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which lead to signs of aging.

But, drinking your coffee with sugar, dairy, or non-dairy creamers, can lead to acne. Sugars spike insulin which causes acne, and dairy affects the hormones which lead to acne. And for those who are more prone to stress-related breakouts, the increased cortisol levels after having caffeine can also lead to acne.

That being said, if you find that coffee triggers anxiety, stress, and acne for you, try decaf. Decaf coffee still offers antioxidant benefits, but without 97% of the caffeine.

So, all in all, coffee does not directly cause acne. It can, however, lead to acne through other channels like hormones, sugars, and cortisol. If you already suffer from acne, drinking coffee could make it worse. But if you have relatively clear skin, coffee can help fight off free radicals and prevent signs of aging as well as reduce inflammation.

Now, what about coffee applied topically to the skin? You’ve undoubtedly heard of caffeine eye creams and body scrubs. Well, the reason they are so popular is for the instant results. Caffeine applied to the skin dehydrates things like cellulite or puffiness to show shocking results. But, there are mostly temporary without any long-term effects.

So is coffee good for your skin? It can be. But, it is up to you whether or not you choose to forego your morning joe. If you can’t let go, just try to keep it under four cups a day.

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6 Super Foods To Add To Your Eating Routine Wed, 18 Aug 2021 13:00:07 +0000 “Superfoods” are certain foods containing nutrients that are highly beneficial to your health. Junk food, though delicious, often leave you with a stomach ache and feeling extra lethargic. If you want to improve your health and drop the midnight Taco Bell runs, or simply add a couple of healthy “staples” to your weekly meal plan, then these foods will give you an excellent place to start your healthy eating journey.
Fish, including anything from salmon to canned tuna, contain healthy fats called omega-3’s. These types of fats help tame inflammation within the arteries. Omega-3’s are also a potent superfood that helps reduce heart disease risk. If you don’t love cooking large meals, another option would be to purchase the canned version of any fish. This way, you can still consume your omega-3’s without having to go to all the work of cooking the fish for your meal.
Do you struggle with your cholesterol levels? Studies have shown that eating a bowl of oatmeal daily helps with your daily fiber intake and can significantly bring down your cholesterol levels. Oatmeal is known to help block the absorption of cholesterol into the body. Whether you prefer oatmeal plain or like to add brown sugar and fruit, this is a great food to include in your breakfast diet.
Are you looking for a superfood that surpasses all of the rest? Avocado is your new best friend! Avocados are considered to be the “ultimate” superfood as they are loaded with potassium, healthy fatty acids and are a great source of fiber. If you are looking for a simple way to add these to your dietary routine, try a piece of toast in the morning with some avocado on top!
Tomatoes contain useful nutrients like Vitamin C and carotenoids. Carotenoids are responsible for giving tomatoes their color but are also known for providing our skin with sun protection. Who knew tomatoes could double as an added SPF?
5.Green Tea
Not only does this drink contain a modest amount of caffeine to help you with a morning pick-me-up, but it also contains some health benefits too. Green Tea is full of rich antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds, which help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Green Tea is also known to help protect against serious diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Not only is it delicious, but a great beverage to reach for when considering your health.
Even though eggs are controversial due to their high cholesterol content, they remain a healthy choice to make at breakfast time. Eggs contain many nutrients such as Vitamin B, choline, selenium, vitamin A, iron, and phosphorus. Eggs also have a few rich antioxidants to help with vision health. As long as you are not consuming too many eggs per week, high cholesterol should not be a problem, and you can reap the many health benefits they provide.
These superfoods are great options to help get you on track for the “healthy” lifestyle you crave. Whether you add one or all of these into your diet, they will make your body and skin feel amazing. Good health is essential and can be achieved in even the simplest of ways. Begin by changing up your diet and including one of these highly valuable ingredients.

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Choosing Healthy Foods This Summer Wed, 28 Jul 2021 13:00:28 +0000 Summer is just around the corner, and with it, plenty of options to enjoy fresh, healthy foods. From backyard barbecues to creating your own chilled desserts for a hot summer day, there are countless ways to relish the delicious foods of the warmer months. It’s the perfect time to get creative with your cooking skills!

Blueberry Picking
Get a group of friends or family together and head to the nearest fruit farm. Blueberries are a quintessential summer fruit. The exact harvesting time will vary depending on your location, but blueberries are typically best picked sometime between May and September.

Picking baskets of blueberries is not only a fun activity for the whole family, but you’ll have plenty of fruit to snack on. Plus, you can make blueberry jam for topping off whole-grain bread, a delicious (and vitamin-packed) combination.

Try Your Hand at Grilling
When we think of grilling, hotdogs and hamburgers are often the first thing that come to mind. But this season, why not expand your culinary skills? Grilling whole, stuffed fish is simple. The Food Network has this tasty recipe ready for salmon-lovers. With thyme, onions, and lemon, it’s hard to get healthier than this salmon recipe.

Barbecue season doesn’t mean that you have to forego vegetables. Soak some bamboo skewers in water for about half an hour. While they soak, cut up some of your favorite vegetables. Popular choices include white onions, button mushrooms, summer squash, zucchini, and peppers. Skewer the vegetables and grill over medium heat until tender.

Take the Farmer’s Market Challenge
Spend a morning at your local farmer’s market. Do you have enough imagination to create an entire meal from food sold by local farmers? Easy options include a tossed salad using in-season vegetables like lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, onions, and peppers. You may also find homemade cheeses or honey for a sweet dressing.

Choosing ingredients from local farmers has numerous benefits. With less “travel time” involved with local produce, you can bet that the ingredients will be fresher and better quality, meaning they’ll taste extra delicious. You’ll also help supplement the community’s economy, not a multinational corporation’s.

Choose Smoothies Over Ice Cream
Tired of your standard ice cream choices? Try your hand at making smoothies with fruits. Smoothies are one of the easiest treats to make, and they typically have much less fat than ice cream. A good base recipe to use for your smoothies is ½ cup of vanilla yogurt, ¾ cup of ice, and ½ cup of milk.

You can choose low-fat or fat-free dairy options if you prefer, or even substitute them for dairy-free alternatives like soy or oat milk. Add a cup of fruit, depending on your preferences. You can try bananas, peaches, pineapple, strawberries, etc.

Enjoying the summer months doesn’t mean you have to just fill up on junk food. With a little creativity in the kitchen, you’ll likely be creating your own healthy recipes that keep you and your family happy and healthy this summer!

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Meal Planning 101 Mon, 19 Jul 2021 18:30:58 +0000 It’s Monday morning, and you’re running late for work. You’re about to grab your lunch for later that day but realize you forgot to prepare anything. Instead of a well-balanced meal, you grab a pack of instant noodles and run out the door.

Does this scenario sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. The chaos of the American workday can wreak havoc on our eating schedules. Poor meal choices over a long period of time can lead to weight issues (both under and over the healthy range), as well as take a toll on us mentally.
So how can you plan meals to support overall good health and wellbeing?

Print Out Some Delicious (and Nutritious) Recipes
This tip may seem obvious at first, but many of us rely on the internet to find recipes last minute. Spend a few minutes printing off several recipes that include a variety of vegetables and low-fat protein choices like fish and tofu. Keep the recipe copies in a binder and storing them in a visible location in your kitchen, such as on top of your microwave or on the counter. Seeing them constantly will help remind you that you have a go-to collection of your favorite recipes.

Pull out a few of the recipes each week and put them on your fridge as a reminder of your meals that week. Take the recipes to the grocery store when you do your weekly shopping. You’ll have a readymade shopping list that takes minimal preparation.

Get Ready to Dice, Slice, and Chop
Scan your recipes for steps you can take ahead of time. Can you make pizza dough on Sunday for dinner on Monday? Can you cook a large pot of green beans that you use as meal sides throughout the week?

Consider chopping several types of vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and onions over the weekend. You’ll have these ingredients on hand to make a quick salad for a last-minute lunch or dinner during the work week. You can even prepare an artichoke-parmesan dip ahead of time and use the veggies and dip as a convenient snack during the day.

Make Friends with Your Freezer
When you have leftovers, go ahead and freeze them. You’ll have a delicious, healthy, and quick meal when you need it. Not only do you save time on future food preparation, but you’ll also be helping to reduce food waste.

This option works especially well for foods like soups and stews. You’ll likely be making large quantities anyway. Freezing portion-sized containers will also keep your eating habits varied, which is good not only for your tastebuds but your nutrition levels as well!

Use Leftovers to Your Advantage
A helpful tip for meal prepping is to plan on using leftovers as a base for a future meal. Schedule your meals to get the most out of your ingredients. For example, if you make baked chicken one day, consider shredding the leftover portions and using them in chicken enchiladas later that week.

You can also use this trick to make use of left-over rice (perfect for stuffed cabbage) or using up extra tortillas (great for chilaquiles).

Don’t let the chaos of the week prevent you from nourishing your body affordably. With a little time investment, you’ll be able to meal prep quickly and easily!

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Why You Should Drink Peppermint Tea Every Day Mon, 07 Jun 2021 19:15:00 +0000 Herbal teas come with many different health benefits, from aiding weight loss and helping you achieve glowing skin. Peppermint tea, in particular, is extremely popular for its many health benefits. Did you know that drinking just one cup of peppermint tea a day can improve your health and wellbeing? Here’s why you should consider sipping a cup of peppermint tea every day.

Reduces Stress Levels 
Managing stress can be challenging, but peppermint tea can be a remedy for times when your stress levels are higher than average. The menthol present in peppermint is a known muscle relaxant. It is also antispasmodic in nature, helping you relax and relieve both mental and physical signs of stress.

Suppresses Hunger 
If you’re trying to lose weight, peppermint tea is the perfect beverage. One cup of peppermint tea a day can help you feel full for a longer period, suppressing your appetite and preventing you from snacking or eating extra calories.

Aids Digestion and Settles Your Stomach 
Peppermint tea is fantastic for your stomach. It can help aid symptoms of constipation, IBS, and motion sickness. The menthol in peppermint works by soothing the stomach and relieving the digestion process at the same time.

Boosts Your Immune System 
Due to peppermint’s antibacterial properties, peppermint tea can help fight off disease-causing illnesses and further strengthen your immune system. Peppermint tea contains traces of vitamin B, potassium, and other various antioxidants that help the body function healthy.

Fights Bad Breath 
You’ve probably noticed that most mouth fresheners, toothpaste, and mouthwashes contain peppermint. That’s because the active oil known as menthol helps to promote fresh breath and fight odors. The antibacterial properties in peppermint tea help wash off any possible plaque that can cause unpleasant breath.

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What Makes Organic Coffee Better? Mon, 24 May 2021 17:30:24 +0000 Coffee is one of the biggest traded commodities in the world. Around 12 billion pounds of coffee is grown, harvested, and moved globally every year. We’re pretty sure a few billion of those pounds have been consumed on college campuses in the night before an exam, but that’s another matter.

The chances are you’re a coffee lover too. With anything on that scale, the effects matter to the consumer, the world, and the environment. Organic coffee costs more than normal coffee, but is it worth it?

How is Organic Coffee Different?
To be organic means different things depending on where in the world you are buying your coffee. Each country has different standards. For a product to be labeled organic in America, ninety-five percent of the beans must be grown organically. That means, in general, no pesticides or fertilizers or herbicides can be used.

Organic coffee isn’t the same as Fair Trade coffee or Rainforest Alliance certified coffee, but it often overlaps. Organic coffee isn’t guaranteed to be done on a sustainable small-scale. Still, it usually is because of the growing methods used.

Environmental Standards
Coffee was almost always grown within the forest ecosystems until about fifty years ago. That changed when a new hybrid coffee bean was created that benefited from full sun and the use of agrochemicals, which are industrially manufactured pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides.

The problem was that production increased with this new way of growing coffee. Forest clearing and the use of pesticides grew, damaging local forests and the people who lived there. The forests were cleared since these new beans didn’t need the shade of forest canopy.

While organic coffee won’t guarantee that these methods aren’t used, other labels do. In general, organically grown coffee tends to be more sustainable. That’s because those agrochemicals can’t be used to produce organic coffee, so there is no benefit in growing it in clear cut fields using the hybrid coffee beans.

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Try These Natural Remedies To Relieve Period Pains Wed, 12 May 2021 13:30:20 +0000 Period pains can have a severe negative impact on our day to day lives. This is especially true if we suffer from intense cramping or haven’t found adequate pain relief that suits us yet. If painkillers just aren’t cutting it for you, try some of these natural remedies to relieve period pains.

Drink Plenty Of Water 
It may seem like a strange piece of advice, but increasing your water intake during your period can reduce the pain of menstrual cramps. Drinking water helps to ease bloating, which can help ease symptoms. Aim to drink 6 to 8 glasses per day during your period.

Avoid salt as this encourages bloating and water retention, which can worsen your symptoms and cramps. Many women also experience diarrhea and vomiting with their menstrual cramps, making it vital to replace any lost fluids by drinking plenty of water. This will replenish your levels and help you to feel better.

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Diet can help or worsen period symptoms and cramps significantly, making it crucial that you opt for the right kinds of foods to reduce pain. Try reaching for anti-inflammatory foods such as squash, cherries, blueberries, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

Coldwater fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids are also excellent choices. Calcium-rich beans, dark leafy greens, and almonds can also help combat inflammation. Many women have reported that eating these types of foods has helped ease menstrual pain.

Drink Chamomile Tea
Drinking chamomile tea can reduce menstrual cramps as it is full of anti-inflammatory substances that inhibit prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are what provoke muscle contractions during your period, and they’re also responsible for nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches during your menstrual cycle. Chamomile tea can help reduce pain-causing prostaglandins and enhances your menstrual flow to further ease period symptoms.

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